Monday, August 25, 2008

What To Write About!

This question is what you will ask yourself everyday. I ask my self what I should write about many times a day. This is the key to making money. There are many tools that will help you find things to write about. Google Trends is a big one. Every day on Google Trends they show you the top topics that are being searched. The site is updates hourly and some times less than hourly. There are 100 trends that they give you. If you do about 5-10 trends a day you should start to make some money. If you want to make more than write more trends. Yahoo Buzz is another site that gives you trends. It is not updated nearly as much as Google Trends but it is still a great tool to use. You don't have to use trends though. You can write about something you see on the news or about a sports game. Also you can write about How To Make Money or How To Write A Blog anything that you want. The How To Make Money articles may not get as much money as a trend but it could also become big and make more than the trends. Big money makers on Xomba direct people to where they can watch sporting events or TV shows on the internet. I've made 100's of dollars from that, but they can be hit or miss. If you write about these things you should start to make some money. Don't expect to make 50 dollars or let alone 10 bucks your first week. Just keep posting and get better at finding trends and the money should start coming in. You aren't going to make 100 dollars a day unless you become great at this so don't get discouraged. Xomba works and makes people a lot of money.

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